Cuenca to Quito by Bus



Cuenca to Quito by Bus: 2021 updated information about bus schedules, bus safety, and the best bus to take!

A bus from Cuenca to Quito takes around 8 hours. Below we have detailed information about bus safety, the best bus company and what other benefits you should look out for when choosing the best bus from Cuenca to Quito.

Cuenca to Quito is a direct journey, however, there are some stunning places worth visiting on the way such as the incredible Cotopaxi Volcano, the highest active volcano in Ecuador, or Quilotoa, the beautiful green-blue lagoon located inside a dormant volcanic crater. These amazing extra stops are free on any Ecuador Hop trip from Cuenca to Quito and are a great way to break up the journey and make sure you don’t miss out on any of Ecuador’s hidden gems. Remember, Quito is the capital of Ecuador, and there are lots of incredible things to do there as well, including visiting the famous “Basilica del Voto Nacional” and the stunning Pichincha Volcano, accessible using the cities cable cars.

The best option to get around Ecuador by bus is to take advantage of one of Ecuador Hop’s long passes, allowing you to hop on and hop off throughout the country and explore the many wonderful hidden gems that Ecuador has to offer. A hop on hop off bus service is a service that travels to many different points around the country, allowing people to hop off and enjoy each destination, or just take a quick look around before continuing on their way.

With Ecuador Hop, you can travel in style with our comfortable reclining seats, which come with USB ports for every passenger. You can arrive refreshed and recharged, resting safely in the knowledge that our buses go the extra mile to ensure your safety. Using 24/7 GPS tracking we can be sure that our drivers don’t speed, and don’t make unauthorized stops along the way. We also make sure that our staff, including bilingual guides who are with you every step of the way, are well-rested, with drivers swapping shifts every 5 hours. This is something that other bus companies simply do not do, many overwork their staff and put an unrealistic deadline on them so that the drivers have to speed.

Below you’ll find all of our passes that travel the route from Cuenca to Quito. Ecuador Hop buses on this route offer guaranteed daily departures, providing you the flexibility to travel on your own schedule. Take a look at the different options available to get from Cuenca to Quito and choose the one that best fits your desired itinerary. Remember that Ecuador Hop passes are valid for one full year, so there’s no need to set a rigid schedule–hop on and hop off at your own pace!

If you can’t find the pass you’re looking for listed below, make sure to check out our passes page, and take the first steps to the perfect Ecuadorian adventure


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